Your best interests are our only interest.

We only represent tenants—never landlords. We provide conflict-free brokerage representation. Learn more »

You are our #1 priority.

We’re here for you every day. We’re your single point of contact from inception through renewal or move-in, so you can focus on your business. Learn more »

We have connections.

We know and have worked with a wide range of local service providers. Learn more »

Our experience is unparalleled.

We have over 28 years of experience representing tenants. We’ve closed over 200 transactions, 35 of which were for law firms. Learn more »

We know what we’re talking about.

We know the San Francisco commercial real estate market inside and out. We’re not afraid to share our opinion on current market conditions, our predictions and how they impact you. This information fuels our aggressive negotiating style. Learn more »

Case Study
The Bar Association of San Francisco

+ zoomReception area 1 of 3 Reception area
+ zoomReception area looking into the board room 2 of 3 Reception area looking into the board room
+ zoomBoard room 3 of 3 Board room

Before we were retained by The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF), we provided them with an extensive review of their lease and operating history and uncovered a range of financial concerns including suspected overpayments of operating expenses. As a result of our report, we encouraged an audit of the landlord’s books prior to commencing renewal negotiations.

BASF’s objectives were to either renew their existing lease or relocate with as little money out of pocket as possible for moving expenses, tenant improvements, architectural fees, furniture and related costs—especially considering the then-rising real estate market. Rent objectives were to fix 10-year rates below $30/sf per year at a time when rates in the most peripheral areas of San Francisco far exceeded that level.

See the how we achieved BASF’s objectives in the full case study »

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