Case Study Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati

Mihalovich Partners represented Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR) in their opening a new branch office location at One Market Plaza.


WSGR was opening a new branch office in San Francisco to be closer to many of their creative clients. Their goals included the desire to:

  • Find a building that would resemble the look and feel of their clients’ “creative” buildings in SOMA;
  • Replicate the sophisticated building systems and security of their Palo Alto buildings to accommodate their extended hours of operation; and
  • Find high caliber building management that could be flexible to their needs.

The Results

The team carefully studied an assortment of buildings in SOMA, eventually gravitating to One Market Plaza, which was exceptionally accommodating. We were able to negotiate a 10-year lease with multiple options to renew and expand, controlling up to 10 additional floors. As we’ve done previously for numerous law firm clients, we negotiated a non-recourse lease and waiver of security.

The Bottom Line

A spectacular client received a spectacular deal—with a view!

Contact us today to see how we can help you with your space needs.

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