Contact us with your space needs and questions

A service of Mihalovich Partners
505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100
San Francisco, CA 94111
T: 415-434-2820
C: 415-999-9244
F: 415-434-2830
S: danmihalovich
License # 01376000

Our 40 letters of recommendation
Our Case Studies (Calif Academy of Sciences; Bar Assn of San Fran; WSGR)
What Makes Us Different? Tenant Services.

If your lease will expire within the next three years or if there is another compelling reason to discuss your firm’s office leasing situation, please call us. For qualified tenants, we offer the following pre-contract services:

  • Free preliminary office lease and operating expense review;
  • Free consultation to discuss project management, Team formation and project schedule;
  • Market surveys and our specific tenant-driven leasing recommendations; and
  • Assistance in selection and coordination of all Team members throughout planning and negotiation phases.

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